Борода на английском языке

Борода – перевод на английский с примерами

beard, beaver, bearded

седая борода —  grey beard

густая борода —  bushy / heavy / rough / thick beard

длинная борода —  long beard

волнистая борода —  flowing beard

борода с проседью —  grizzled beard

аккуратная борода —  neat / trim beard

всклокоченная борода —  scraggly beard

неподстриженная борода —  unshorn beard

густая /косматая/ борода —  bushy beard

борода, торчащая клочками —  a straggly beard

у него была борода до пояса —  his beard reached to his waist

рыжая борода (как примета предателя) —  cain-coloured beard

длинная [волнистая, седая, рыжая] борода —  long [flowing, grey, red] beard

его длинная белая борода, как у патриарха —  his long, white, patriarchal beard

окладистая борода; борода лопатой; бородка клинышком —  spade beard

Смотрите также

густые брови [-ая борода] —  thick eyebrows [beard]

густые волосы [-ая борода] —  opulent hair [beard]

лицевые волосы; борода; усы —  face-fungus

растительность на лице; борода; усы —  face fungus

Родственные слова, либо редко употребляемые в данном значении

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Русско-английский перевод БОРОДА

– смеяться в бороду

Русско-Английский краткий словарь по общей лексике. Russian-English short dictionary of general vocabulary. 2012

Еще значения слова и перевод БОРОДА с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях.

Перевод БОРОДА с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.

Русско-Американский Английский словарь

  • БОРОДА — 1. beard 2. ( у птиц ) wattle смеяться в бороду — laugh in one's beard с бородой разг. ( …

    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики – Сборник из лучших словарей

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  • БОРОДА — Beard

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  • БОРОДА — ж. 1. beard 2. ( у птиц ) wattle смеяться в бороду — laugh in one's beard с бородой разг. …

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  • БОРОДА — ж. 1. beard 2. ( у птиц ) wattle ♢ смеяться в бороду — laugh in one's beard с бородой …

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  • БОРОДА — Beard

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  • БОРОДА — (блат.) облом, неудача

    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь сленга, жаргона, русских имен

  • БОРОДА — Неудача. Неприятное происшествие или ситуация. Син.:неприятность, неудача. Возникло из рыболовного арго,запутанная леска – борода. "Да. бородень какая-товыходит, милай. "

    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь сленга, жаргона, русских имен

  • БОРОДА — beard; отпустить бороду grow* a beard; синяя борода (сказочный персонаж) bluebeard

    Русско-Английский словарь – QD

  • БОРОДА — жен. 1) beard жидкая борода отпустить бороду смеяться в бороду с бородой 2) (у птиц) wattle ж. beard отпустить бороду …

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  • БОРОДА — борода beard

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  • STUBBLE — сущ. 1) жнивье, стерня 2) коротко остриженные волосы; давно не бритая борода, щетина (сельскохозяйственное) стерня, жнивье – * crop пожнивная …

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    Большой Англо-Русский словарь

  • BLUEBEARD — сущ. 1) Синяя Борода (литературный персонаж, названный так по цвету его бороды) 2) перен. женоубийца Синяя Борода женоубийца Bluebeard перен. …

    Большой Англо-Русский словарь

  • BLUEBEARD — сущ. 1) Синяя Борода (литературный персонаж, названный так по цвету его бороды) 2) перен. женоубийца Синяя Борода женоубийца Bluebeard перен. …

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  • BEAVER — I сущ. 1) бобр, бобер 2) бобровый мех, бобр, бобер 3) касторовая шляпа; бобровая шапка 4) бобрик 5) сл. борода; …

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  • BEARD — 1. сущ. 1) борода, усы, растительность на лице (у человека); бородка (у животных) to grow a beard ≈ отпустить бороду …

    Большой Англо-Русский словарь

  • BEARD — beard.ogg 1. bıəd n 1. 1> борода long flowing, grey, red beard – длинная волнистая, седая, рыжая борода 2> борода …

    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики – Сборник из лучших словарей

  • BEARD — 1. [bıəd] n 1. 1) борода long [flowing, grey, red]

    – длинная [волнистая, седая, рыжая] борода 2) борода и …

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  • BEARD — 1. bıəd n 1. 1> борода long flowing, grey, red beard – длинная волнистая, седая, рыжая борода 2> борода и …

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  • BEARD — 1. сущ. 1) борода, усы, растительность на лице ( у человека ) ; бородка ( у животных ) to grow …

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  • STUBBLE — сущ. 1) жнивье, стерня 2) коротко остриженные волосы; давно не бритая борода, щетина (сельскохозяйственное) стерня, жнивье – * crop пожнивная …

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  • HEAVY — 1. прил. 1) тяжелый Syn : weighty 2) крупный; толстый The boy is so heavy he needs extra-large shirts. ≈ …

    Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь

  • BLUEBEARD — сущ. 1) Синяя Борода (литературный персонаж, названный так по цвету его бороды) 2) перен. женоубийца Синяя Борода женоубийца Bluebeard перен. …

    Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь

  • BEARD — 1. сущ. 1) борода, усы, растительность на лице (у человека); бородка (у животных) to grow a beard ≈ отпустить бороду …

    Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь

Русско-Английский краткий словарь по общей лексике

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густая борода — heavy beard

длинная борода — long beard

борода с проседью — grizzled beard

рыжая борода — Cain-coloured beard

неподстриженная борода — unshorn beard

усмеха́ться в бо́роду — grin / chuckle into one’s beard

с бородо́й (об анекдоте, сообщении и т.п.) разг. — stale; so old it has whiskers on it

Си́няя Борода́ м. фольк. — Bluebeard

♢ смеяться в бороду — laugh in one’s beard

с бородой разг. ( об анекдоте, сообщении и т. п. ) — stale

См. также в других словарях:

борода́ч — бородач, а … Русское словесное ударение

БОРОДА — жен. средняя часть нижней челюсти, под губами; подбородок. | Волос на щеках и подбородке: у ·раскольн. отечество. У кого борода клином, у кого заступом. Сам с ноготь, а борода с локоть. Сам с локоток, борода с ноготок. Старичок с кувшин, борода с … Толковый словарь Даля

борода — сущ., ж., употр. часто Морфология: (нет) чего? бороды, чему? бороде, (вижу) что? бороду, чем? бородой, о чём? о бороде; мн. что? бороды, (нет) чего? бород, чему? бородам, (вижу) что? бороды, чем? бородами, о чём? о бородах 1. Бородой называют… … Толковый словарь Дмитриева

борода — укр. борода, ст. слав. брада γένειον (Супр.), болг. брада, сербохорв. брада, чак. бра̄да̏, словен. brada, чеш. brada, польск. broda, каш. barda, broda, в. луж., н. луж. broda. Родственно лит. barzdà, лтш. bârzda, bārda, др. прусск. bordus, лат … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера

борода — борода, бороды, бороды, бород, бороде, бородам, бороду, бороды, бородой, бородою, бородами, бороде, бородах (Источник: «Полная акцентуированная парадигма по А. А. Зализняку») … Формы слов

Борода — ношение (или бритье) Б. во все времена было и остается в той или иной мере знаковым, так же как прическа или косметика. Будучи вторичным половым признаком, Б. может осмысливаться как проявление и символ мужественности, воплощение жизненной силы;… … Российский гуманитарный энциклопедический словарь

БОРОДА — БОРОДА, бороды, вин. бороду, мн. бороды, бород, бородам. 1. Волосяной покров на нижней части лица. 2. Две небольшие мясистые части, висящие у некоторых птиц под клювом. Петушья борода. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 … Толковый словарь Ушакова

борода — БОРОДА1, ы, вин. бороду, мн бороды, бород, ам, ж Волосяной покров на нижней части лица мужчины, а также пучок длинных волос, перьев под клювом, ртом животного, птицы. Окладистая с проседью борода придавала ему степенный купеческий вид (Д. Мамин… … Толковый словарь русских существительных

Борода — I ж. 1. Волосяной покров на нижней части лица мужчины. отт. Пучок длинных волос под мордой у некоторых животных. отт. Мясистые образования или пучок длинных перьев под клювом у некоторых птиц. 2. То, что своим внешним видом напоминает бороду (что … Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой

БОРОДА — БОРОДА, ы, вин. бороду, мн. бороды, бород, ам, жен. 1. Волосяной покров на нижней части лица у мужчин. Отпустить бороду. Окладистая б. Смеяться в бороду (тихо, исподтишка; разг.). 2. У нек рых животных: пучок волос, перьев или мясистые отростки… … Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • Борода, Джесси Рассел. Эта книга будет изготовлена в соответствии с Вашим заказом по технологии Print-on-Demand. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Борода — это волосяной покров на нижней части… ПодробнееКупить за 1125 руб
  • Борода. Первый в мире гид по бородатому движению, Карлос Сунье. Борода уже давно стала не просто волосами на лице, а признаком настоящей мужественности, элегантности и стиля. Так как же давно появилась эта мода? Она будет существовать всегда или уже… ПодробнееКупить за 329 руб электронная книга

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Татьяна, Ева, Саша, а так же Joey, Joanna и Salli

Сказка Шарля Перро – Blue Beard (Синия борода) на английском языке

Здесь вы сможете бесплатно прочитать сказку: Шарль Перро/ Charles Perrault "Синия борода/ Blue Beard".

Once upon a time there was a man who had fine houses, both in town and country, a deal of silver and gold plate, carved furniture, and coaches gilded all over. But unhappily this man had a blue beard, which made him so ugly and so terrible that all the women and girls ran away from him.

One of his neighbors, a lady of quality, had two daughters who were perfect beauties. He asked for one of them in marriage, leaving to her the choice of which she would bestow on him. They would neither of them have him, and they sent him backward and forward from one to the other, neither being able to make up her mind to marry a man who had a blue beard. Another thing which made them averse to him was that he had already married several wives, and nobody knew what had become of them.

Blue Beard, to become better acquainted, took them, with their mother and three or four of their best friends, with some young people of the neighborhood to one of his country seats, where they stayed a whole week.

There was nothing going on but pleasure parties, hunting, fishing, dancing, mirth, and feasting. Nobody went to bed, but all passed the night in playing pranks on each other. In short, everything succeeded so well that the youngest daughter began to think that the beard of the master of the house was not so very blue, and that he was a very civil gentleman. So as soon as they returned home, the marriage was concluded.

About a month afterward Blue Beard told his wife that he was obliged to take a country journey for six weeks at least, upon business of great importance. He desired her to amuse herself well in his absence, to send for her friends, to take them into the country, if she pleased, and to live well wherever she was.

"Here," said he, "are the keys of the two great warehouses wherein I have my best furniture: these are of the room where I keep my silver and gold plate, which is not in everyday use; these open my safes, which hold my money, both gold and silver; these my caskets of jewels; and this is the master-key to all my apartments. But as for this little key, it is the key of the closet at the end of the great gallery on the ground floor. Open them all; go everywhere; but as for that little closet, I forbid you to enter it, and I promise you surely that, if you open it, there’s nothing that you may not expect from my anger."

She promised to obey exactly all his orders; and he, after having embraced her, got into his coach and proceeded on his journey.

Her neighbors and good friends did not stay to be sent for by the new-married lady, so great was their impatience to see all the riches of her house, not daring to come while her husband was there, because of his blue beard, which frightened them. They at once ran through all the rooms, closets, and wardrobes, which were so fine and rich, and each seemed to surpass all others. They went up into the warehouses, where was the best and richest furniture; and they could not sufficiently admire the number and beauty of the tapestry, beds, couches, cabinets, stands, tables, and looking-glasses, in which you might see yourself from head to foot. Some of them were framed with glass, others with silver, plain and gilded, the most beautiful and the most magnificent ever seen.

They ceased not to praise and envy the happiness of their friend, who, in the meantime, was not at all amused by looking upon all these rich things, because of her impatience to go and open the closet on the ground floor. Her curiosity was so great that, without considering how uncivil it was to leave her guests, she went down a little back staircase, with such excessive haste that twice or thrice she came near breaking her neck. Having reached the closet-door, she stood still for some time, thinking of her husband’s orders, and considering that unhappiness might attend her if she was disobedient; but the temptation was so strong she could not overcome it. She then took the little key, and opened the door, trembling. At first she could not see anything plainly, because the windows were shut. After some moments she began to perceive that several dead women were scattered about the floor. (These were all the wives whom Blue Beard had married and murdered, one after the other, because they did not obey his orders about the closet on the ground floor.) She thought she surely would die for fear, and the key, which she pulled out of the lock, fell out of her hand.

After having somewhat recovered from the shock, she picked up the key, locked the door, and went upstairs into her chamber to compose herself; but she could not rest, so much was she frightened.

Having observed that the key of the closet was stained, she tried two or three times to wipe off the stain, but the stain would not come out. In vain did she wash it, and even rub it with soap and sand. The stain still remained, for the key was a magic key, and she could never make it quite clean; when the stain was gone off from one side, it came again on the other.

Blue Beard returned from his journey that same evening, and said he had received letters upon the road, informing him that the business which called him away was ended to his advantage. His wife did all she could to convince him she was delighted at his speedy return.

Next morning he asked her for the keys, which she gave him, but with such a trembling hand that he easily guessed what had happened.

"How is it," said he, "that the key of my closet is not among the rest?"

"I must certainly," said she, "have left it upstairs upon the table."

"Do not fail," said Blue Beard, "to bring it to me presently."

After having put off doing it several times, she was forced to bring him the key. Blue Beard, having examined it, said to his wife:–

"How comes this stain upon the key?"

"I do not know," cried the poor woman, paler than death.

"You do not know!" replied Blue Beard. "I very well know. You wished to go into the cabinet? Very well, madam; you shall go in, and take your place among the ladies you saw there."

She threw herself weeping at her husband’s feet, and begged his pardon with all the signs of a true repentance for her disobedience. She would have melted a rock, so beautiful and sorrowful was she; but Blue Beard had a heart harder than any stone.

"You must die, madam," said he, "and that at once."

"Since I must die," answered she, looking upon him with her eyes all bathed in tears, "give me some little time to say my prayers."

"I give you," replied Blue Beard, "half a quarter of an hour, but not one moment more."

When she was alone she called out to her sister, and said to her:–

"Sister Anne,"–for that was her name,–"go up, I beg you, to the top of the tower, and look if my brothers are not coming; they promised me they would come to-day, and if you see them, give them a sign to make haste."

Her sister Anne went up to the top of the tower, and the poor afflicted wife cried out from time to time:–

"Anne, sister Anne, do you see any one coming?"

And sister Anne said:–

"I see nothing but the sun, which makes a dust, and the grass, which looks green."

In the meanwhile Blue Beard, holding a great sabre in his hand, cried to his wife as loud as he could:–

"Come down instantly, or I shall come up to you."

"One moment longer, if you please," said his wife; and then she cried out very softly, "Anne, sister Anne, dost thou see anybody coming?"

And sister Anne answered:–

"I see nothing but the sun, which makes a dust, and the grass, which is green."

"Come down quickly," cried Blue Beard, "or I will come up to you."

"I am coming," answered his wife; and then she cried, "Anne, sister Anne, dost thou not see any one coming?"

"I see," replied sister Anne, "a great dust, which comes from this side."

"Are they my brothers?"

"Alas! no, my sister, I see a flock of sheep."

"Will you not come down?" cried Blue Beard.

"One moment longer," said his wife, and then she cried out, "Anne, sister Anne, dost thou see nobody coming?"

"I see," said she, "two horsemen, but they are yet a great way off."

"God be praised," replied the poor wife, joyfully; "they are my brothers; I will make them a sign, as well as I can, for them to make haste."

Then Blue Beard bawled out so loud that he made the whole house tremble. The distressed wife came down and threw herself at his feet, all in tears, with her hair about her shoulders.

"All this is of no help to you," says Blue Beard: "you must die;" then, taking hold of her hair with one hand, and lifting up his sword in the air with the other, he was about to take off her head. The poor lady, turning about to him, and looking at him with dying eyes, desired him to afford her one little moment to her thoughts.

"No, no," said he, "commend thyself to God," and again lifting his arm–

At this moment there was such a loud knocking at the gate that Blue Beard stopped suddenly. The gate was opened, and presently entered two horsemen, who, with sword in hand, ran directly to Blue Beard. He knew them to be his wife’s brothers, one a dragoon, the other a musketeer. He ran away immediately, but the two brothers pursued him so closely that they overtook him before he could get to the steps of the porch. There they ran their swords through his body, and left him dead. The poor wife was almost as dead as her husband, and had not strength enough to arise and welcome her brothers.

Blue Beard had no heirs, and so his wife became mistress of all his estate. She made use of one portion of it to marry her sister Anne to a young gentleman who had loved her a long while; another portion to buy captains’ commissions for her brothers; and the rest to marry herself to a very worthy gentleman, who made her forget the sorry time she had passed with Blue Beard.

Борода перевод слова возможный на английский язык в онлайн словаре

Борода на английском –

Перевести Борода в переводчике онлайн

Онлайн переводчики для других языков:

В других словарях:

Борода – Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка В. И. Даля

Борода – Ефремова Т. Ф. Новый словарь русского языка

Борода – Толковый словарь русского языка С. Ожегова

Борода – Ожегов С. И., Шведова Н. Ю. Толковый словарь русского языка

Борода – Абрамов Н. Словарь русских синонимов и сходных по смыслу выражений

Борода – Толковый словарь русского языка. Под ред. Д. Н. Ушакова .

Борода на английском языке

Сказка французского писателя Шарль Перро.

Жил-был очень богатый господин, которого прозвали Синяя Борода, так как у него росла борода синего цвета, придававшая ему очень грозный и страшный вид. Эта борода отпугивала всех дам, заставляла бояться его, но может быть, и правильно что боялись?

Blue Beard (Part 1)

There was, some time ago, a gentleman who was very rich. He had fine town and country houses, his dishes and plates were all of gold or silver, his rooms were hung with damask, his chairs and sofas were covered with the richest silks, and his carriages were all gilt with gold in a grand style.

But it happened that this gentleman had a blue beard, which made him so very frightful and ugly, that none of the ladies, in the parts where he lived, would venture to go into his company.

Жил-был, давным давно, очень богатый господин. Были у него прекрасные дома в городе и загородом, посуда из серебра и золота, комнаты увешенные дамасской сталью, диваны и кресла покрытые самым дорогим шёлком, а также в знатной манере позолоченные кареты.

Но так случилось, что у этого господина росла борода синего цвета, придававшая ему такой грозный и страшный вид, что ни одна дама в городе, не отваживалась составить ему компанию.

Now there was a certain lady of rank , who lived very near him, and had two daughters, both of them of very great beauty. Blue Beard asked her to bestow one of them upon him for a wife, and left it to herself to choose which of the two it should be.

But both the young ladies again and again said they would never marry Blue Beard; yet, to be as civil as they could, each of them said, the only reason why she would not have him was, because she was loath to hinder her sister from the match , which would be such a good one for her.

Still the truth of the matter was, they could neither of them bear the thoughts of having a husband with a blue beard; and besides, they had heard of his having been married to several wives before, and nobody could tell what had ever become of any of them.

Но была в городе дама, происхождения благородного , что жила по соседству, и были у неё две дочери, необычайной красоты. Синяя Борода просил выдать за него одну из них замуж, предоставив матери выбрать ему невесту.

Но дочери, вновь и вновь всем своим видом показывали, что никогда не выйдут за Синею Бороду; однако, каждая из них, как можно вежливо отвечала, что единственная причина, почему она не хочет выходить за него замуж – это нежелание быть своей сестре помехой , ибо сестра так же хороша, как и она.

Но на самом деле, ни одна из них не могла смириться с мыслями о том, что у них будет муж с синей бородой; и кроме того, проходил слух, что у него было несколько жён, но никто не знает, что с ними сталось.

As Blue Beard wished very much to gain their favour, he asked the lady and her daughters, and some ladies who were on a visit at their house, to go with him to one of his country seats, where they spent a whole week, during which they passed all their time in nothing but parties for hunting and fishing, music, dancing, and feasts. No one even thought of going to bed, and the nights were passed in merry-makings of all kinds.

Синяя Борода, страстно желая показать себя с хорошей стороны, пригласил мать с её дочерями, и несколькими их лучшими приятельницами в один из его загородных домов, где они целую неделю ездили на охоту, на рыбалку, танцевали под музыку и пировали. Никто даже не думал ложиться спать, всякий веселился и шутил.

In short, the time rolled on in so much pleasure, that the youngest of the two sisters began to think that the beard which she had been so much afraid of, was not so very blue, and that the gentleman who owned it was vastly civil and pleasing.

Словом, было так прекрасно, что младшая сестра пришла к убеждению, что борода, которую она так боялась, не такая уж и синяя, а сам господин крайне вежливый и приятный.

Soon after their return home, she told her mother that she had no longer any dislike to accept of Blue Beard for her husband; and in a very short time they were married.

Как только они вернулись, она рассказала матери, что готова выйти за Синею Бороду замуж, свадьбу тотчас и сыграли.

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